I thought it would be nice to repost a list of THANK YOUs to the people who have helped make Michael's Museum such a success at the Chicago Children's Museum.
Thank You So Much!
Mom & Dad
where it all started and to whom I owe my very being. (Dad RIP March 2005, Mom RIP March 2010.)
Gregory Maire
who has been there for me for more than thirty two years and who always encourages me to be myself.
Mariah & Hoover
who are my constant companions. (Hoover RIP June 2007)
Marla Weismantel
who taught me that it is OK to be a little crazy. (RIP May 2005)
Amethel Parel-Sewell
who first really convinced me that Michael’s Museum could realize greater ambitions then I dared to imagine!
Barbara Mahany
whose wonderful writing helped to bring Michael’s Museum to the “world’s” attention in her feature article for the Chicago Tribune.
Chris Walker
whose detailed photographs helped to bring alive the magic of Michael’s Museum for all those who saw the article.
Barbara Unikel
whose long time friendship is so valuable to me and for helping to connect Michael’s Museum to it’s new home, The Chicago Children’s Museum on Navy Pier.
Jennifer Farrington
who believed enough in Michael’s Museum to get the ball rolling and introduce MM to the right people at CCM.
Louise Belmont Skinner
whose passion, foresight, and encouragement has found Michael’s Museum a new home, The Chicago Children’s Museum (on Navy Pier) in which countless numbers of people will be able to “feel the magic, experience the joy.”
Patricia and Ken DiPrima
for their support in all things optimistic and for being good neighbors and friends.
Harvey Pranian
for using his knowledge and expertise with “Objects of History, Design, Imagination, and Surprise” to appraise the value of Michael’s Museum as it prepares for its move to The Chicago Children’s Museum.
TAGs Bakery
especially Gretchen and Gregory, for their help with collecting box after box after box for the moving of Michael’s Museum from Poplar Avenue in Evanston to The Chicago Children’s Museum and for their delicious bakery treats .
Jenny Schrider
exhibit designer extraordinaire for her creative ideas, collaborative and kindred spirit, and skill-full documentation skills. Also, for your packing skills and sense of humor in moving Michael’s Museum towards its new home at CCM.
L.S. Carper
nephew and friend, for his photography skills and amazing camera equipment as we took one last round of photographs to capture the spirit of Michael’s Museum before having it packed for the move to The Chicago Children’s Museum.
Sheila Scullin
For your wonderful ideas and support in the creation of Michael’s Museum as it will live at The Chicago Children’s Museum.
Peter Williams
For your understanding and talents in what it takes to make an exhibit look and stay secure and in shape and for your detailed attention to the packing of Michael’s Museum.
Keith, Tim, & Patrick
For your respectful, careful packing of Michael’s Museum which took us 50 hours of acid free archival boxes, baggies, stiffeners, foam, and stretch.
Barbara Mahany (Again)
for her follow-up article in the “Q” Section - End of the Year Epilogue in The Chicago Tribune.
The MM@CCM Team
for their time, effort, and commitment to ensure the success of Michael’s Museum at The Chicago Children’s Museum on Navy Pier. Team Members: Katie Silvovsky - Exhibit Developer, Michele Boglio-Project Manager, Natalie Bortoli - Education & Community Developer, Jenny Schrider - Designer, Louise Belmont-Skinner-Exhibits & Design Rep/VP, Benjamin Waite-Visitor Advocate.
The MM@CCM Extended Team
for their time, effort, and commitment to ensure the success of Michael’s Museum at The Chicago Children’s Museum on Navy Pier. Extended Team Members: Mark Frank - Lead Preparator, Patrick Downs - Asst. Preparator, Rick Cassettari - Support Preparator, Stephanie Lieber - Individual Giving VP, Jennifer Joyce - Marketing VP, Ellen Sanderson - Graphic Designer, Jon Resh - Artistic Director, Peter Williams - Preparator VP, Jennifer Farrington - CEO.
The Following Businesses
for donating refreshments for the opening celebration
Limelight Caterers
2000 North Racine
Chicago, Il 60614
(773) 883-3080
Food Stuffs
2106 Central Avenue
Evanston, Il 60201
(847) 328-7704
Great Harvest Bread
2126 Central Street
Evanston, Illinois
(847) 866-8609
Casteel Coffee
2924 Central Street
Evanston, Il 60201
(847) 733-1187