Friday, February 25, 2011

UPDATE: 02/23/11 Meeting CCM Parent Programming Team

Met with the Parent Programming Team today. Everyone is excited about eagerly awaiting the arrival of Michael's Museum on May 13th. The Team has declared May to be "Magnificent Magnifying Month." The team has come up with some very exciting activities for museum visitors.

I will do some thinking on what might be done relating to MM for the first part of the month before the official opening. One idea I suggested is a reverse approach to using magnifying glasses - using photographs of items so greatly magnified that the item's identity was not instantly obvious. I sent some samples that I have on file.

We also discussed what type of costume (an apron or maybe a hat) I could wear while spending time in MM for "The Curator is In" activities. Posting a characteristic sign in the reception area and outside MM's exhibit would also alert people that "The Curator is In."

For now, I will commit to being at the museum from 11:30 - 2:00 on Tuesday May 17 and Thursday May 19 and on Saturday and Sunday May 28 & 29.

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