• Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
• Two year old making animal noises to correspond with the wooden animals on an open shelf.
• Screams, giggles, cries of amazement when discovering the Museum Mouse (who continues to surprise visitors even after 13 months!)
• Can we go now?
• We come to CCM at least twice a week and he always wants to come to MM (we stay for half an hour sometimes!)
• Without any instruction, one child went from plexiglass fronted storage drawer to the next, all around the room, finding the loose things to manipulate in the open Visitor Display Cabinets.
• Using Visitor Display Shelves #2 & #6, a child made a block tower that started on the floor, met the first shelf, continued up to the second shelf, and went up even further.
• Without any instruction, a 16 month old began sorting buttons by color. The caregiver was surprised and pleased.
• Mom was more excited about being in Michael's Museum than her four year old. "Honey, if you let mommy stay a little longer we can go play next wherever you want!"
• Google Eyes!

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